This recipe is for all those people who just want all those food bloggers and recipe developers to stop blabbering about how they came to develop the recipe, stop telling stories about their lives and the food, and just get to the recipe already….
(which are the same people who should be clicking on the above link and reading it…)
Mulberry Earl Grey Sorbet
Mulberries in Toronto are seen more as a nuisance: they bomb the sidewalks, staining them - and anyone that walks through them - purple for weeks; they attract racoons and birds to eat the abundance. But, they're also delicious and, for anyone with a tree nearby them, typically free for the picking. The best way to pick them is to either: a) have small children willing to do it for you, as I do, or; b) put a tarp out under the branches and then shake the branches, catching the cascading berries in the tarp. If they're ripe, the berries should fall off easily. Shout out to my local gelato maker, Death in Venice, who made a blackberry earl grey sorbet that inspired this one. Mulberries taste similar to a blackberry but with their own little nuances, ones that I think go particularly well with the earl grey. And, around Toronto, mulberries are easy to grab on the side of the road vs other places where that might be true of blackberries.
- 1 cup water
- 1 tea bag of Earl Grey tea, or the equivalent in loose leaf tea
- 1 cup sugar
- 5 cups mulberries (blackberries will also work if you have those in abundance)
- 2 tablespoons crème de cassis or port (the liquor adds flavor, but also helps with the consistency of the sorbet so it is worth adding. In a pinch, vodka or white rum would even work)
Bring the water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Turn off the heat, add the teabag and let the tea steep for 4-5 minutes or until you have what looks like a strong pot of tea.
Remove the tea bag, add the sugar, return to a boil and then let it simmer gently for 3-4 minutes.
Turn off the heat and let it cool a bit.
Meanwhile, put the berries in a blender. Pour the syrup over them while it is warm but not hot. Blend into a puree.
Pour the liquor into the bowl with the pureed berries and chill in the fridge for an hour or so.
Pour into your ice cream maker and follow its directions (don't have an ice cream maker? Check out this guide to no-churn sorbet)
Once it is done in the ice cream maker, it might still need some time to harden in the freezer - depending on how solid you prefer your sorbets. Put it into a container, give it another hour in the freezer and it should be ready to serve.
July 20, 2019 at 10:53 AMIt looks incredible and the colour amazing. I am sure it tastes as good as it looks too. We don’t get mulberries in the UK, so its blackberries for us.
July 24, 2019 at 11:52 AMBlackberries would be completely delicious in this, and have a very similar consistency. Let me know how it turns out!